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Publications about Doris Lessing

by Nancy Topping Bazin

Articles and Book Chapters:

“The Moment of Revelation in Martha Quest and Comparable Moments by Two Modernists.”  Modern Fiction Studies 26.1 (Spring 1980): 87-98. (View article)

"British Reviews of The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five."  Doris Lessing Newsletter 4.2 (Winter 1980): 10-l1; 14-15. (View article)

"British Reviews of Shikasta."  Doris Lessing Newsletter 4.2 (Winter 1980): 7, 9-10. (View article)

"Androgyny or Catastrophe: The Vision of Doris Lessing's Later Novels."  Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies 5.3 (Fall 1981): 10-15. (View article)

"The Evolution of Doris Lessing's Art from the Mystical Moment to Space Fiction."  The Transcendent Adventure: Studies of Religion in Science Fiction/Fantasy.  Ed. Robert Reilly.  Westport, CT:  Greenwood P, 1985. 157-67. (View article)

"Madness, Mysticism, and Fantasy: Shifting Perspectives in the Novels of Bessie Head, Doris Lessing, and Nadine Gordimer."  Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 33.1 (Spring 1992): 73-87. (View article)

"Southern Africa and the Theme of Madness: Novels by Doris Lessing, Bessie Head, and Nadine Gordimer." International Women's Writing: New Landscapes of Identity. Ed. Anne E. Brown and Marjanne E. Gooze. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1995. (In their Contributions to Women's Studies Series).  137-49. [A new version of "Madness, Mysticism, . . ."] (View article)

"Androgyny or Catastrophe: Doris Lessing's Vision in the Early 1970s." Reprinted in Spiritual Exploration in the Works of Doris Lessing. Ed. Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis. Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 1999. 33-42.


Mary Ann Singleton's The City and the Veld:  The Fiction of Doris Lessing. Contemporary Literature 20.2 (Spring 1979): 260-62.

Barbara Hill Rigney's Madness and Sexual Politics:  Studies in Bronte, Woolf, Lessing, and AtwoodDoris Lessing Newsletter 3.2 (Winter 1979): 6.

Carol P. Christ's Diving Deep and Surfacing:  Women Writers on Spiritual QuestModern Fiction Studies (Winter 1980 81): 729-30.

Brenda Berrian's Bibliography of African Women Writers and Journalists (Ancient Egypt 1984).  WLWE:  World Literature Written in English 25.2 (Autumn 1985): 228-29.